Episode 21: Native-American names for sports teams and other stuff
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Not only a bit about the contraversy over sports team names, but also a lot about talk radio. And remembering the good old days of 700 WLW-and how it has turned into neo-con crap, and is, of course, the flagship station of the Clear Channel empire!
We need to spead the word about "Honkey Haven" so tell all of your friends to start calling those new housing developments Honkey Havens.
And, we determine once and for all that Adam Corolla sucks.
Not only a bit about the contraversy over sports team names, but also a lot about talk radio. And remembering the good old days of 700 WLW-and how it has turned into neo-con crap, and is, of course, the flagship station of the Clear Channel empire!
We need to spead the word about "Honkey Haven" so tell all of your friends to start calling those new housing developments Honkey Havens.
And, we determine once and for all that Adam Corolla sucks.
At 11:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
Highschool and College teams have been presured into changing their names if they seem to demean someone (I chose to state that generally). I don't understand why an NFL team can retain the name of "Red Skins".
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