Admitting mistakes
Uncle Dan here, with just a few words here between podcasts.
I heard most of President Bush's speech this morning...and...pretty much, more of the same useless shit came out of his mouth. I get so sick of hearing about the so-called "War on Terror" and Sept. 11th. When will it end? O well, we can keep talking about that.
But the one thing that bugs me to NO end-NOT only about this president, but about people in general: WHY IS IT CONSIDERED WEAK FOR ONE TO ADMIT A MISTAKE???
Personally, I was raised with the notion that, if you make a mistake, own up to it, swallow your pride, and humbly admit it. Nobody is perfect. I know if you were to ask, both myself and Abu Snookums could come up with mistakes and errors we have made in our lives, and I'm sure all those who read this can as well.
In my personal life I see this as well. People will make any excuse to cover-up a mistake in order to make themselves look good. All a part of the "tough guy" metality that has seemingly taken over. Us Americans are getting collectively dumber every day.
If Bush simply gave a speech that said something to the effect of "I'm sorry, we mis-read the intelligence, and we underestimated (or misunderestimated) the ferocity of the insurgentds...and I apologize."
But, even if he meant it, which is up to much doubt-he would never say it. Because his constituancy is full of these macho beer drinkin' tough talkin' guys who think admitting one's mistakes is akin to having sex with another man.
Well, I just don't get it. Bush's base would go nuts if he were humble.
The way I was raised, humility is a virtue-but, it's not in this country anymore.
Well, thats all I have-let me know what you think, leave me a comment!
I heard most of President Bush's speech this morning...and...pretty much, more of the same useless shit came out of his mouth. I get so sick of hearing about the so-called "War on Terror" and Sept. 11th. When will it end? O well, we can keep talking about that.
But the one thing that bugs me to NO end-NOT only about this president, but about people in general: WHY IS IT CONSIDERED WEAK FOR ONE TO ADMIT A MISTAKE???
Personally, I was raised with the notion that, if you make a mistake, own up to it, swallow your pride, and humbly admit it. Nobody is perfect. I know if you were to ask, both myself and Abu Snookums could come up with mistakes and errors we have made in our lives, and I'm sure all those who read this can as well.
In my personal life I see this as well. People will make any excuse to cover-up a mistake in order to make themselves look good. All a part of the "tough guy" metality that has seemingly taken over. Us Americans are getting collectively dumber every day.
If Bush simply gave a speech that said something to the effect of "I'm sorry, we mis-read the intelligence, and we underestimated (or misunderestimated) the ferocity of the insurgentds...and I apologize."
But, even if he meant it, which is up to much doubt-he would never say it. Because his constituancy is full of these macho beer drinkin' tough talkin' guys who think admitting one's mistakes is akin to having sex with another man.
Well, I just don't get it. Bush's base would go nuts if he were humble.
The way I was raised, humility is a virtue-but, it's not in this country anymore.
Well, thats all I have-let me know what you think, leave me a comment!
At 6:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
>>If Bush simply gave a speech that
>>said something to the effect of
>>"I'm sorry, we mis-read the
>>intelligence, and we underestimated
>>(or misunderestimated) the ferocity
>>of the insurgentds...and I
But that would be another lie.
They didn't mis-read the intelligence.
They mis-represented the intelligence.
And I don't find it beyond the realm of possibility that the Bush Regime might have accurately estimated (or even over-estimated) the insurgent reaction/response, and judged it to be an acceptable 'cost' of this military operation.
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