Welcome to Radio W. C.

Welcome to Radio W.C. This is a podcast/blog from the tiny progressive community in Warren County Ohio. Uncle Dan and Abu Snookums bring you their unique and humorous perspective on both national and local issues.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Episode 43: You are shoving feeding tubes in detainees...so STOP!

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Abu Snookums talks about the recent feeding tube shit going on in Guantanimo Day. But, at least the neo-cons are consistant, as they were with Terri Shiavo. Also, if you are in the area, and want to go to the Interfaith Iftar dinner, write us and you can get an invitation for some good food and stuff.

Plus, more stuff on the sheer evilness that is Bill O'Reilly, and check out Abu Snookums view on how the Guantanimo business relates to American Democracy--and join Amnesty International too.


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