Welcome to Radio W. C.

Welcome to Radio W.C. This is a podcast/blog from the tiny progressive community in Warren County Ohio. Uncle Dan and Abu Snookums bring you their unique and humorous perspective on both national and local issues.

Saturday, October 29, 2005


Ahh, autumn! Time for the harvest, football, and Halloween. I'm sure most of us have fond memories of trick-or-treating, eating waaay too much candy, carving jack-o-lanterns, listening to scary stories or songs, and watching bad horror movies.

But...it used to be simple. The decorations in the yard were pretty much limited to one jack-o-lantern per child in the household. Now, as I travel about the highways and biways of the W.C. and surrounding environs, I see the following: Inflatable spiders, inflatable Frankenstiens, scarecrows, gravestones with monsters coming out of the ground. Yesterday I saw an entire yard that was transformed into a cemetary complete with skeletons rising from their graves.

Is this too much emphasis on imagery and materialistic stuff? A Muslim, or religious Christian may say 'yes.' Yet another distraction of our American culture that is already filled with enough distractions as it is. And besides-as I have seen for myself, inflatable monsters and spiders just make a front yard look like a mess after a wind storm.

And also, having just spent some time with Baby Snooks himself-he'd probably look adorable dressed as a bunny rabbit or a little pumkin or something. It would be difficult for him not to want to go trick-or-treat with all of the societal pressure to do so. I guess there is a fine line between participating, and placing real importance on Halloween. Especially-Halloween during Ramadan-now THERES a dichotomy for ya. The American festival of childhood gluttony meets the Islamic month of fasting and restraint.

But, if we were allowed to trick-or-treat after sunset, like in the old days-it might just work out. Luckily, I'm only Baby Snooks uncle, and I don't have to worry about it.


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