Welcome to Radio W. C.

Welcome to Radio W.C. This is a podcast/blog from the tiny progressive community in Warren County Ohio. Uncle Dan and Abu Snookums bring you their unique and humorous perspective on both national and local issues.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005


Well, luckily this was delayed for a few days, because I was going to go into a tirade about the “Koran in the toilet” incident, but, I guess now I would just have to retract it anyway.

Just kidding.

First of all, while you are hearing all over the mainstream news about RETRACTION this and retraction that (by the way, this is the first time I can remember where the retraction of a story has gotten more coverage than the actual story---o wait, maybe not, the Bush Texas Air Nat’l Guard retraction got a lot coverage as well.)

But, don’t forget that while we in the US mainland here are talking about RETRACTIONS and wondering whose heads at NEWSWEEK are going to roll, there are still human rights, and civil rights being violated in Guantanimo Bay. Korans in the toilet or not.

And, while we are on the subject, lets have a look at the retraction in question, shall we? In no report I have read does anyone say that it did NOT occur, and considering what we already know has gone on down there already, it SEEMS like at least a possibility.

Also, when Newsweek first admitted that maybe the story didn’t have enough “legs” to really be considered reliable, over this last weekend, it apologized, came SHORT of a retraction, and said that there would be a thorough investigation of whether or not it was actually true.

Then, White House press secretary Scott McClellan starts going all over the press saying how irresponsible the story was with all the protests around the world….and ….Abracadabra….by the end of the day Monday, Newsweek Officially retracts the story….which basically ends any further investigation.

Hmmmm…..anybody think there was any pressure being applied anywhere along the line? It certainly smells like it, and the story sounds like it was substantiated at least as much, if not more so, than CBS’s Bush National Guard story. How soon do you think that things will be shaken up in the offices at Newsweek? I think by weeks end we will begin to see heads rolling? But how many, and how high?

I’m sure that political pressure will cause more firings at Newsweek than they did courts-marshal in the Abu Girab abuses. And we got PICTURES of those-I guess we will need to see photos of The Koran floating in a Guantanimo toilet before any investigation takes place.

But, according to the original article, Newsweek found out about this because of word from a “senior anonymous government official.” I wonder what is happening to that official right now. Or what may be happening to his or her family? I’m sure we will never know, and may never hear from him or her again...

O well, why should we be surprised at anything that has happened throughout this administration? Abu Girab, and what we have already heard for certain has gone on in Guantanimo (and I’m not going to say Gitmo because that’s how the right-wing Neocons like to say it to make it sound all “kick-ass and macho) should be enough to make us realize that religious freedom in the US has become a “flexible” term.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

First Commentary Online!!!

Yes, finally, I did it, with many more to come.....here it is!

Well, for my long-awaited first commentary, I’m going to bring up something contraversial, maybe something you may not want to air on your radio station. I’m going to talk about the dreaded ‘C’ word, yes, you know, the C word. Coulter, Ann Coulter. Yup, the neo-cons answer to Paris Hilton, and Time Magazines “leggy” cover-girl.

Well, in case you didn’t know, on Tuesday she was in Texas spewing her usual venom, and, BIG surprise, protestors started shouting her down-as has seemingly become a growing trend recently at her speeches. GEE, I wonder why?

Well, at this speech in question, she started in to her tired bigoted rant against Gay Marriage-as if she is in some sort of losing battle on the issue. Then, during a Q & A session afterwards, a student named Ajai Raj asked, that if she was so concerned about the “sanctity of marriage.” (A statement that goes up there with “persistent vegetative state” and “intelligent design” as phrases that will make me puke if I hear them again) than how does she feel about, and I’m quoting, “marriages where the man does nothing but f*@k his wife up the ass?”

Well, after that comment-Mr. Raj was arrested for disorderly conduct.

Now, Ms. Coulter is on tour and travels around our great country filling it with her extremist, tyrannical rantings on a regular basis-particularly to colleges and universities-perhaps one near you.

I was thinking of some questions one might like to ask if you happen to find yourself at one of these Hitler Youth-er-I mean Ann Coulter rallies, along with the probability that you may be arrested for asking:

1. At the end of the Time Magazine article, it was mentioned that you had a Muslim boyfriend at one point. Would you say that your hatred of both homosexuals and Muslims had anything to do with this Muslim boyfriend “missing” either intentionally or not, and providing you with an unwelcome “backdoor surprise” ? (Probability of arrest: medium)

2. Also, in the TIME article, it was mentioned that you would publicly make out with Bob Guccioni Jr. while drinking champagne. So tell us Ann, how many drinks would it take for you to fuck say, Al Franken? (probability of arrest: high…even higher if you replaced Al Franken with Bill Clinton…..higher still if you replaced Bill Clinton with Hillary Clinton)

3. Are you the reason that Rush Limbaugh’s wife left him?

4. If you were nine months pregnant, and you found out that Michael Moore was the father of your child (through some drunken orgy-I’m sure you’re familiar) would you have an abortion? Even if it had to be partial birth? (probability of arrest: low to medium)

5. Would you say that you’ll be officially crowned c$%t of the year by Time magazine?(probability of arrest: near certain)

I’m sure some of you out there are having fun thinking up your own questions should you find yourself in the unbearable predicament of being in the same room with her. But, it need not stop at mere verbiage. But I think we should get a bit more creative than PIES-come on folks-it’s been done over and over again.

We need to think about the target here.

How about pelting her with Falafel balls? Hummus or any kind of middle-eastern side dish would work as well.

I would say urine, but im I'm thinking she might like that too much….I’m picturing Sean Hannity and/or Matt Drudge showering her with their love here.

Anyway, keep thinking, and if you have any comments and or suggestions, please send me an email at wizardan55@hotmail.com, or check out the blog, where this will be printed as well as the supporting articles at wzrdexile.blogspot.com.

Here is the link to the police report regarding the case.