Episode 15: A full hour of ranting and raving!
This episode was so long that I fell asleep before I could post it! We talked about that jerk congressman Tom Tancredo from Colorado-the one who thinks that bombing Mecca might be an option, that idiot Jim Condit and his anti-Semitism, and tons of other stuff.
We also celebrate the end of the "War on Terror," and the beginning of the "struggle," which also means "jihad."
The end (finally) comes with a tribute to Harry Neilsson, and Abu Snookums reveals that he paid (full price) for a copy of Sean Hannity's book-for shame, for shame!
And, the website for the Council of American Islamic Relations (www.cair-net.org) was mentioned.
And, even though I hesitate to give this jerk any publicity...here's the link to Jim Condit's website, just so you know it's really true.
Plus, while you are surfing around, click here and tell Tom Tancredo how much of an asshole he is!