Well...time has gotten the better of us again, as it has been a week or so since our last podcast. Scheduling conflicts among other stuff manage to get in the way. But, the annual Christmas celebration has come and gone and I figured I'd share an observation or two...
My first observation is simple: CHRISTMAS IS INEVITABLE-nothing can be done to stop it.
Not a single member of the family goes to a Christian church, and the most religious members are Muslims-nonetheless, the small tree was up, and gifts were exchanged. Yes, even Abu Snookums did a bit of Christmas shopping. Plus, Baby Snooks enjoyment of his See-n-Say and his oversized lego-type blocks made the 45 minute wait in like at Toys-r-us worth every agonizing minute with sore feet!
Whether you are a Muslim, Jew, Buddhist, Taoist, Shaman, Zoroastrian, Druid, or whatever-if you live in America during the month of December-you have to deal with Christmas. You have to hear Christmas music, eat Christmas food, drink Cristmas drinks, smell Christmas scents, and fight your way through Christmas shopping.
Traffic on Friday by the Mall was a disaster-and I sure as hell wasn't going IN the mall-I stayed on the outskirts. Toys for Snooks, books for Grandpa, soap and candy for Grandma-and Abu Snookums now owns a special edition of Monty Python's the Meaning of Life DVD. But, it is such a commercialized shopping FRENZY. Is there a point to all of this if you are not an observant Christian? (and-correct me if I am wrong-but I think Jesus was really born in March or something, nobody really knows for sure).
Well, like it or not, I get that nostalgic feeling like the rest of us do. Every year we seem to hope for the "ideal" Christmas. The one with the perfect tree, the entire family around, the scent of pine in the air, and all of the traditions that have been a part of Christmas seemingly forever (but really less than 200 years).
It's all nice...but, do we REALLY need SANTA CLAUS?? The Santa claus hoax has to be the single greatest conspiracy of deception in the history of mankind. The Kennedy assassination has nothing on it. I was watching the NEWS tonight, and there was a report of how Santa does his job all in one night. NORAD has a website where you can track his journey on Christmas Eve! I even heard a news report where a first grade teacher was nearly fired from her job because she told her class that Santa Claus didn't exist!! Sure, I guess it's a fun fairy tale, but, I say, let's stop with the Santa shit! The government already lies to children-let's stop making parents lie to them too. If you look at the history you will find that the present view of Santa Claus is just an invention of greedy corporations getting parents to spend MORE money to make their pocketbooks fatter. DON'T BUY THE LIE!
Perhaps the best thing to do on Christmas may be to work in a soup kitchen, or help the needy-maybe take some of that Xbox 360 money and buy a pair of long underwear for some homeless dude in the street.
Yea, I know, I did NOT do that-but, the giving has mostly been more fun than the receiving anyway.
Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, Happy Kwanzaa, and Merry Boxing Day.