Welcome to Radio W. C.

Welcome to Radio W.C. This is a podcast/blog from the tiny progressive community in Warren County Ohio. Uncle Dan and Abu Snookums bring you their unique and humorous perspective on both national and local issues.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The Debate "Bring it on!"

The president of Iran challenged Bush to a debate. And for some reason it is being portrayed by the press as some sort of backwards attempt at civility.

We have seen tons of press conferences with Bush and other world leaders (Putin, Blair etc.) and some who may or may not agree on all issues.

But, we all know that this debate will not take place.


Simple. A debate between Bush and Ademenijad would humanize the Iranian leader. If the american people saw him speaking and saying things that made sense it would undermine the administrations foriegn policy which is based on "us vs. them."

If you read the linked article, and look at other things that Ademenijad has said in the past-the guy is not a complete lunatic along the lines of a Bin Laden. In fact, if you look at his relgiious beliefs, one will find that they are no more kooky than the one's that Bush holds dear.

Remember when Bush claimed that god spoke to him and told him to invade Iraq? Also, his policy with Israel is deeply rooted in the belief that the Jews will be our expendable soldiers when Armageddon comes. Ademenijad, similarly, has his version of the apocolypse which includes the return of the "12th Imam"-Abu Snookums can correct me if I am wrong.

So-these guys are pretty much equal when it comes to basing policy on nutty religious thinking. As far as which one is a better speaker, it's pretty tough to say when the American press doesn't let you see much of Ademenijad's oratory skills. but it's not difficult to imagine that Bush would lose.

So, to Bush...I say "c'mon, what are ya...chickkkkeeennnnnnn??" and I will put my hands in my armpits, flap my arms and start clucking.

But, when it comes down to it, a televised debate will make Ademenijad seem like he may actually be a human being, and not the animal that we can kill without any guilt.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Episode 110: Why we are not doing as many episodes, and the Ottoman Empire

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Uncle Dan speaks up as to why the episodes of Radio W.C. are occurring less often these days. The answer has to do with both "Web 2.0" as well as Abu Snookums.

Also, we review, criticize and nitpick the History channel's documentary on the Ottoman Empire-which was good for the most part, but still some criticism is in order regarding "Western" thinking. But hey, those Ottomans were better (as far as brutal empires go) than just about all of the others!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Episode 109: Some local stuff, JonBenet Ramsey stuff, and other stuff

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Uncle Dan uncovers a county-wide conspiracy to kill us all.

We also muse a bit on the curious JonBenet Ramsey situation...and the fact that we even care.

Abu Snookums takes issue with Irshad Mahndi (sp?) regarding her efforts to criticize Islam on right-wing radio shows.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Episode 108: Ipods, Radio Shows, Israel bla bla bla

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Condeleeza Rice should write our theme song...since we can't seem to settle on one yet.

We talk mostly on the Israel/Hezbollah business and how bigotry is responsible for most of the wars that have ever taken place.

Also, we discuss Jerry Springer, and the fact that he is just a wishy-washy doormat!

Plus, the obligatory Sirius Radio plug-for the music channels!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Episode 107: Radio WC still in transition...and Mel Gibson too

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Welcome to #107 we begin by discussing a bit about Warren County here-and the old days of how we knew the people from South Lebanon.

We also learned that Abu Snookums really doesn't look at this site very much.

Mel Gibson has been in the news, so we talk about him, plus we reflect a bit on his film, "The Passion of the Christ."

And, alas, we missed the Blues Festival in Lebanon-as that is almost an oxymoron.