Moral Values?
What are these Moral Values?
Automatically, in this country, that term seems to equate itself with the radical right. Moral Values means not allowing homosexuals to get married, being offended at stupid promotional tricks before Monday Night Football, and pre-emptive war.
But, the impression was given that there are 60 million born-again whackos in this country, which is not true at all.
The real whacko's need to be marginalized and removed from the political process. I think Reagan got us started on this road that Bush and Rove have completed for them.
Have'nt we figured out by what's going on in the Middle East that giving these types political power is a bad thing?
If both of them would be intellectually honest with themselves (fat chance), Both Bin Laden and Jerry Falwell would be in agreement on more issues than anybody would be comfortable with.
Well, the truth is...they both suck. The fact that they have some power is the only thing that keeps these born-agains from shooting up the whitehouse and hijacking airplanes.
EXTREMISM is the problem. Most Christians, Jews, Muslims, and whatever are perfectly fine people.
I don't know, I'm just rambling...